Get results when your ‘pitch’ your business

Use 25eight’s winning storytelling framework and get 1:1 feedback and guidance from experienced pitch mentors to get your audience to pick you

“I use the Six Pillars every day”

25eight developed the Six Pillars of Pitching framework to help businesses get better results any time they pitched. When done well, it engages the audiences and feels a lot more comfortable (and less salesy) for those that may not have a sales or marketing background. And even if you do, having your pitch reviewed by an experience pitch mentor ensures what you present will get you the results you need to take your business to the next level.

The benefits to learning the framework don’t just apply when pitching your business. This form of storytelling can be adapted to be used in many situations, such as a conversational tool with prospects or a formula for developing landing page copy. Having the framework in your toolbox means that you’ll be able to get across the value of your business on the fly which, regardless of your role in the business, is an incredibly useful skill to have when it comes to growing your business.

You know your strategy, you just need help with the message

25eight would always preference that we help you with your strategy, identifying your competitive advantage and value proposition first (which we do in our full Pitch Training Program) so we can be sure that you will get the best results, however, that’s not always possible in the timeframe you have or it might be that you have done the work already and are confident you’ve got it right.

You might have pitched your business a thousand times, however, it just hasn’t it the mark in the past or you haven’t got the results you want. You’d benefit from guidance from an experienced pitch mentor and getting real feedback on your pitch.

Concepts that can be applied to many situations

We teach you the concepts of pitching and the use of a framework that you can apply to any situation. This isn’t like a pitch formula that you use for short pitches (for example, say this, then say that, then say this), the principles of this framework help you to position your business in many different scenarios.

In fact, you can even use these principles as a tool to gather market research from your target customer, by asking what their response would be in each of the pillars.

Once you have learned the principles of this framework, you can adapt it into pitch or message that feels natural to you. You’ll move away from the discomfort of feeling salesy or sounding like everyone else and into how you truly provide value to the world.

The Six Pillars of Pitching

You choose the pace, go as fast or as slow as you need - make your way through the content and book into the coach and mentor sessions at a time of your choosing. You can also choose to purchase and book further sessions if you need them.

Start by telling us what you know - you’ll complete an ‘alignment quiz’ to determine what you can do to level up your exisiting knowledge

We’ll then recommended a personalised learning journey of micro-education aimed at helping you understand and apply the Six Pillars of Pitching framework to your pitch.

Once you’re happy with your progress, you’ll meet with your coach to check that you have the best outcomes for your situation and then after refining (if necessary), you’ll meet with your mentor to perfect your pitch.

The program involves:

  • Personalised learning journey containing micro-lessons (3-5 min videos) to help you understand and apply the Six Pillars of Pitching framework

  • Review of your current pitch deck (if applicable)

  • Book into a virtual 1:1 coaching session to get the best outcomes from the learnings

  • Book into a virtual 1:1 mentor session to perfect your pitch

  • Pitch Deck template

  • Pitch examples

  • Review and feedback on your perfected pitch deck

We’ve helped thousands of businesses

We have worked with thousands of innovative businesses. Businesses that are pioneering developments in science, technology, engineering or advanced manufacturing.

They are forward thinkers, are incredibly intelligent but may sometimes be too close to or get lost in the detail of their product or service and would benefit from an external viewpoint. The Six Pillars helps you to reframe what you do objectively and focus more on the value your provide to your customer, from their point of view.

Key benefits of the program

  • 'Pitch' in any situation

    Understand the nuances and differences you need to adopt to help your pitch resonate with various customers in your industry. Get tips on refining your pitch based on specific target audiences and circumstances. Leave with tools to help you pitch in any situation or duration.

  • Valuable feedback

    Of the thousands of businesses that 25eight have worked with, most of them value the time with their coach and mentor to help them get the best outcomes and refine their approach for their situation. They don’t just leave with a great pitch, but the added value of business clarity.

  • Messaging

    The messaging you develop during the program can be used in various scenarios. Applying for a grant, developing a marketing message, creating a business proposal; all of these and more will benefit from the work you do in the program. Your ‘pitch’ will make it easy for your prospects to choose you over the competition.

Hear from past particpants

“We understand that not one pitch meets all our customer’s expectations and requirements. The ability to build off a strong foundation and meet the customer's expectations in a refined format is critical! I enjoyed taking these learnings and building high-level deliverables that can be presented in either a 2-minute opening pitch or a 10-minute high-level pitch. The ability to be precise and on point for several key areas is crucial. The course and content were excellent, thank you!”

— Roberto, Arrow Electronics

  • 2000+

    Number of people that 25eight has helped to develop winning pitches

  • 100%

    Strongly agreed or agreed that the trainng impacted the outcomes of them pitching

  • 9.37

    Average rating out of 10 for how likely learners would recommend the program to others

We’ve been trusted to provide pitch training to growing business communities

The Program Details

The program includes:

  • Initial diagnostic

  • Six Pillars of Pitching online learning content

  • 1 x session with business coach

  • 1 x session with pitch mentor

To get the most value from the program, we recommend you set yourself a goal of spending 8 hours to complete, however, it is designed for people with busy schedules and you can complete the program within the timeframe that suits you most, do it slower, do it faster. However, as the old saying goes, you get out what you put in.

Enrol today!

The Six Pillars of Pitching is one of the few programs that 25eight offers continuously throughout the year.

For only $750 + GST, you’ll get access to all of the learing content plus two 1:1 sessons with a coach and mentor.

Enrol today to access the content and your coach and mentor immediately to perfect your pitch!

Meet your coach and mentor

  • Sam Hurley

    With several digital transformations under her belt in her 20+ years of industry experience, Sam likes to sit at the intersection of business, creativity and technology. Her Master of Teaching is the icing on the cake as she drives high standards and best practice to ensure what is learned is adopted and impactful.

    Connect with Sam on LinkedIn

  • Phil Ore

    If 10,000 hours is the benchmark for excellence, Phil reigns supreme as a mentor. His extensive experience leading brands is married with his ability to identify opportunities for smaller businesses to give them the ‘gold nuggets’ they need to get traction. His ‘serendipity hacking’ is the magic sauce in the business.

    Connect with Phil on LinkedIn

Why did we create this program?

25eight was born from a need to serve startups and small to medium sized businesses with knowledge and capability building programs that didn’t take a lot of time. The Six Pillar of Pitching Program aims to teach you the formula to a great pitch. The Six Pillars is an important framework in our Pitch Training Program which has been delivered to thousands of businesses and on behalf of organisations such as Austrade, Australian Defence Export Office and City of Melbourne.

We realised that some of the startups and businesses we worked with had already determined their competitive advantage, product/market fit and market positioning comprehensively, so didn’t need to complete the full training, they needed help putting it together in a way that captured the audience’s attention. This also benefits those that don’t have a lot of time to deep dive into their strategy and will give them good results in a short time, although we still think you get the best results in the full Pitch Training Program. The aim of the program is to provide a cost effective way to give you enough support to get impact in a short space of time


of past participants said it had impact on customer meetings and customer interactions


of past participants said it increased their confidence to pitch their business

of past participants said it helped them to adapt their pitch to different audiences


Frequently Asked Questions

+ When does the program start?

The Six Pillars of Pitching can start at any time so works really well if you're preparing for a specific event. When you enrol, we'll work with you to get the best timing for you and what's happening in your business.

+ How does it work?

Once you have enrolled, you will be contacted by one of our 25eight team members who will work with you to determine the best timing of support for you based on what you want to achieve. We'll then send through an offer and invoice for the program and you'll have a period of time to accept and pay the enrolment fee. Once you have paid, you'll then get sent access to 25eight Academy and emailed a timeline of support.

25eight Academy is our learning platform. The online education will be available on your dashboard - this is where all the program content will be available and where you can book your coaching and mentor sessions

You'll also have access to the program content for 12 months after the start of your program and can purchase further coaching or mentoring sessions or enrol in other programs.

+ What happens if I miss a scheduled coaching or mentor session?

We ask that you book into the coaching or mentor sessions and if you're unable to make it you give us a minimum of three hours notice, otherwise the session is then counted towards the sessions you're eligible for.

+ How much time should I schedule each week?

We recommend assigning approximately eight hours to the program, however this will depend on the work that you already have done. Some of you may wish to spend more time, whilst others may not need as much. The more you put in, the more you get out in the end we say!

+ Is the program delivered in-person or online?

The entire program is delivered online

+ How much does the program cost?

The program is $750 + GST for 12 months access to the content, 1 x 1:1 coaching session, 1 x 1:1 industry mentorship session. You also have the option to purchase additional coaching and mentor sessions.

+ How long do I have access to the content?

Once you have a profile on 25eight Academy, you have 12 months access to the program you are enrolled in. This means you can access the resources as many times as you wish within that period after the program has concluded.

+ Is there a refund policy?

We've never had anyone take us up on this, but we do offer your money back within the first 30-days if you are not satisfied with the content. Please email us directly at

+ Do I need any prior business knowledge?

As a hyper-personalised program, we determine what you know and do already. This means this program is accessible to anyone and everyone, regardless of your business stage or pitch experience as we aim to 'level-up' what you already know.

+ What if I have any further questions?

We encourage you to submit your enrolment and then we can arrange a no-obligation call with you to answer any questions and work out the best timing and outcomes for you.