Small Business Accelerator

Achieve more in less time! Take your business and your leadership ability to the next level in just 12 weeks

EOIs now open!

Where will your business take you?

Some imagine sitting on a beach in Bali with a cocktail periodically checking in on their business. Others dream of building a global brand and being a household name. When we start our business, we have a dream to bring something into the world, to make a situation better or to provide for ourself or our families. Sometimes, business can be harder than you what you imagined it to be, you seem to be doing all of the right things (or so you think) but you haven’t quite got to where you thought you should be.

You still believe in what you do, you’re motivated to keep going, you just need some expert guidance and support to get you there.

Where do you want to go?

Time to grow your business

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a hamster wheel never getting the time to work on your business to help you move it forward?

  • Are you too busy working in your business to work on it?

  • Have you tried tactics to grow and not got the results you were hoping for?

  • Do you feel like there’s a million things you need to do, you get pulled in lots of direction and never quite accomplish anything?

  • Or do you lack the confidence to make decisions about what to do to take your business to the next level of growth?

This program has been designed for you.

“I have more confidence to back myself, strategies that are helping my business grow and a crew of like-minded people to bounce ideas off.”

Who this is for

  • You are a small or medium business owner or leader responsible for growing the business

  • You may not have any formal business education (like a Business degree) or what you do have needs refreshing

  • You have a passion for what you do and how you help but you are struggling to build a customer pipeline or systems to grow your business

  • You want to invest in yourself and your business because you believe it can succeed

  • You’re ready to accelerate your growth and you want to be in control of that

  • You can commit to working on your business for a minimum of 2 hours a week over 12 weeks

“Attending this business accelerator program has been an eye opener. I had been operating my business since 2021 however had not found a way to grow it. I was doing everything with no focus and no brand. With this program I was able to build my brand and clarity around my business goals and target audience so I knew what to focus on. Sam was amazing! She always did more than expected and helped with clarifying my confusion concerning anything. I was so excited when I got my first customer in my new offering and it continued! I would definitely recommend to small business owners who want help to grow.”

Why choose this program

We do things differently at 25eight and the benefits are long lasting. In our Business School, your Business is the subject.

  • The program is hyper-personalised to you and your business (you learn how to grow your business, not business in general) to ensure you get the best outcomes

  • You’ll learn proven frameworks to help you move the dial in all areas of your business

  • Everything you learn will be relevant to you and you current situation, not just theory, real and practical guidance

  • You’ll apply everything you learn to your business immediately

  • You’ll finally feel like your business stands out

  • You’ll know exactly what to focus on and work quickly to get results

  • Your confidence will soar along with your opportunities

  • You’ll build habits that help you build the business you dreamed of

  • You’ll earn a micro credential that you can use to build a study path towards a global business degree

“If everyone is thinking alike, then someone isn’t thinking”

How it works

Personalised to your business

The Small Business Accelerator is built for time-poor business leaders and highly personalised to your situation. No fluff, no pomp, no learning the same thing as everyone else so you all do the same thing. You’ll get to work on what will accelerate your business right now.

Develop a bespoke growth strategy

When you start the program, you’ll complete what we call an alignment quiz. This helps to determine what you already know and do in your business and pinpoint the stage that your at. You’ll then work one on one with your business coach to set the most important goal for you to work towards and build your bespoke growth strategy that will help you achieve it.

MBA Business Education

You’ll be set some activities to complete in our learning portal ‘25eight Academy’ which you’ll complete in your own time.

The education and activities build your business acumen and strategic capabilities, giving you more confidence to lead your business to the next stage.

1:1 sessions with expert coaches & mentors

You’ll book into 1:1 coaching sessions at a time that suits you. Your coach will help you get the best outcomes from your learnings and keep you accountable to reaching your goal.

You’ll also access 1:1 industry mentor sessions to help you gain insights into a specific market, target customer or connect you to the right people.

Build a community

You’ll have chance to share your learnings and insights with your cohort in regular group sessions.

You’ll build a network of like-minded business owners you can bounce ideas of, turn to and confidentially get support from when you need it.

Success achieved

At the end of the 12 weeks, you’ll review all of your achievements and learnings. You’ll be astonished at how much you have achieved, how much you know and how much confidence you have to continue to accelerate your growth. You’ll set a new goal for the next 12 weeks and have all of the tools to reach it!

You become the expert

As a business owner/leader, you may look to a number of options to help you overcome a challenge or reach the next stage in business growth for your business. You may be lured by the promises of a business person that tells you to follow their exact formula, blueprint or steps to reaching millions. And that may work for your business, but often doesn't.

You may look to engage a consultant or agency to do the work for you. They come up with your business, growth or brand strategy. You pay them a lot of money for them to come and ask you a lot of questions and then they leave you with a document or digital files and all of the knowledge on how to create a strategy and you have to rely on an external agency again the next time.

Business school may be a good option. You'd definitely increase your business knowledge and skills, but often you're learning things you can't yet apply to your business, may not be relevant to your business and it takes a long time and often a lot of money.

Hear from Sam Hurley, CEO, 25eight as she's interviewed by her AI research assistant RAVI on why 25eight programs are different.

This is what a 25eight program aims to solve. Giving you the confidence and strategic leadership capabilities to drive your business to the next stage of business growth in a short space of time.

We help you build the business you imagined!






  • 87%

    of past participants experienced significant increase in revenue

  • 91%

    Rated 9 or 10 out of 10 on whether they would recommend this to others

  • 100%

    Experienced an increase in their confidence to grow their business

At the core of every 25eight program:


Rowing harder doesn’t help if you’re going in the wrong direction. This is one of the most important areas to get right and one where new practices and tools can help you navigate ever-changing markets.


If you don’t have ‘customers’, you don’t have a business. The role of sales and marketing has changed considerably and you need to keep up to attract and connect with those who will love what you do.


Advancements in technology are accelerating and this can be a powerful enabler in your business. You need to choose the right systems for you and build internal confidence to optimise them.


Innovation is vital for business that will survive into the future and the ability to creatively problem solve and generate and execute new ideas essential leadership skills that can be built through practise.

You get out what you put in

Designed with busy schedules in mind, an ideal commitment of approximately 2-3 hours a week over 12 weeks will help you get the full value of the program for your business. It is a highly impactful program with some incredible results for the businesses that have participated, including significant increases in revenue, new staff to delegate work too, the ability to go on holiday without worrying, and expansion into new markets to name just a few!

Just like you would do with a personal trainer, the more motivated you are to do the work, the more transformative the results!

“It really brought home what I had to focus on. To do that I had to make my brand stand out!”

Scale your systems

Expand overseas

“I feel really proud, i’m over the moon. It’s super exciting how much this has grown in this short space of time and how confident I feel about the next 12 weeks!”

You’re in safe hands

  • Sam Hurley

    With several digital transformations under her belt in her 20+ years of industry experience, Sam likes to sit at the intersection of business, creativity and technology. Her Master of Teaching is the icing on the cake as she drives high standards and best practice to ensure what is learned is adopted and impactful. She’s currently nerding over LLMs and generative AI and how it can be used to transform how we learn to make leadership decisions that accelerate your businesses growth and adapt quickly to market changes.decisions that accelerate your businesses growth and adapt quickly to market changes.

    Tell me more about Sam

  • Phil Ore

    If 10,000 hours is the benchmark for excellence, Phil reigns supreme as a mentor.

    His extensive experience leading well-known brands is married with his ability to identify opportunities for smaller business to give them the ‘gold nuggets’ they need to get traction. His ‘serendipity hacking’ is the magic sauce in the business.

    His extensive black book of contacts in the Australian business ecosystem can be capitalised on to connect the ‘what you know’ with the ‘who you ‘know’. Let him help you build the perfect pitch.

    Tell me more about Phil

Let’s accelerate your business growth

Pay upfront to save 10% or pay in three instalments.

Scholarships & discounts available.

How can we offer so much value for such a low cost?


We have a number of super powers within our business and our use of technology is one. There is a lot of hype surrounding artificial intelligence (AI), however, we’ve been utilising AI for well over three years. This allows us to scale our operations so that we can offer access to our impactful education whilst still ensuring we can offer access to highly experienced coaches and mentors and because it’s all delivered online, it’s at a cost that small businesses can afford.

Our experience scaling our systems and operations is also passed on to you so you can do the same!

Trusted by

Why did we develop the Small Business Accelerator?

Small business, collectively, is the biggest employer in Australia and if you thrive, the community around you thrives!

However, access to quality education and support that helps you to build your leadership and strategic capabilities is often reserved for those with a lot of resources (read - time and money!).

We knew that with the right tools and support we could accelerate the growth of small business by helping the leaders to develop their own skills and confidence. What if all small business leaders had MBA level knowledge and skills and combine it with access to expert business coaches and industry mentors? The outcomes are incredible. We’ve proven it time and time again.

This isn’t about just teaching you the exact same method that some ‘expert’ used to grow, that now everyone else will be using. This is about teaching you the concepts of business growth so that you, in all future situations, make the best decisions for you and your business.

Time to grow your business!

Frequently Asked Questions

+ When does the program start?

Our Small Business Accelerator starts in small cohorts throughout the year with special access given to our partner's communities first. They will be given first chance to fill a cohort before places are offered publically. However, there are plenty of opportunities to gain a place. We'll work with you to get the best timing for you and what's happening in your business.

+ How does it work?

Once you have submitted an expression of interest, we will review all of the details before we will email you with a link to book into an enrolment call. The call helps us both to determine the best cohort for you based on timing and who you can be matched with. In the interim to the call, you can book into an Information Session to find out more, meet some of the team and have all of your questions answered.

We take impact seriously, and if we think we can impact your growth, we'll send through an offer for a place on the preferred cohort and you'll have a period of time to accept and pay the deposit to secure your spot. At the start of the program, you'll get sent calendar invites for scheduled workshops and an email with access to 25eight Academy.

25eight Academy is our learning platform. The online education will be available on your dashboard - this is where all the program content will be available and where you can book your coaching and mentor sessions

You'll also have access to the strategy documents you develop along the way for 12 months after the start of your program.

+ What happens if I miss a scheduled coaching or mentor session?

We ask that you book into the coaching or mentor sessions and if you're unable to make it you give us a minimum of three hours notice, otherwise the session is then counted towards the sessions you're eligible for.

+ How much time should I schedule each week?

We recommend putting aside 2 hours each week for the 12 weeks to get the best out of the program. And, if you have other people from your business working on it, you can split the work so it shouldn't take as long. Some of you may wish to spend more time, whilst others may not need as much. The more you put in, the more you get out in the end we say!

+ Is the program delivered in-person or online?

The entire program is delivered online

+ How many people can participate per business?

We ask for one primary contact to register for access to 25eight, however, you are welcome to have up to three participants in the coaching, mentoring and workshop sessions.

+ How much does the program cost?

The program is $3,995 inc GST which includes the education, coaching and mentoring in the 12 weeks and 12 months access to the learming platform, so you can go back and reference and refine your approach.

To secure your place on the cohort, you'll pay $799 and then two installments of $1,598 at the start and middle of the program.

If you'd like to receive a 10% discount by paying the full enrolment fee upfront, you have that option.

We also offer discounts for Indiginous owned, Veteran owned, Female owned and B Corp certified companies.

+ How long do I have access to the content?

Once you have a profile on 25eight Academy, you have 12 months access to the program you are enrolled in. This means you can access the online resources as many times as you wish within that period after the program has concluded.

+ Is there a refund policy?

We've never had anyone take us up on this, but we do offer your money back within the first 30-days if you are not satisfied with the content. Please email us directly at

+ Do I need any prior business knowledge?

As a hyper-personalised program, we determine what you know and do already. This means this program is accessible to anyone and everyone, regardless of your business stage or experience as we aim to 'level-up' what you already know.

+ Why is there limited availability?

We take the impact of our education seriously, so that means we want to ensure that you get the support you need to get the desired outcome of the program. By running our programs in timed cohorts, it allows us to ensure that you have access to quality mentoring and training at times that suit you. If we have too many people on the program at one time, it limits availability. We also find that this ensures only those that are committed to achieving their goals are likely to participate and we're not just selling the course for the sake of making money, we want this to elevate your business.

+ Is this like other course and training?

This is unlike any training you may have done before, it will feel personalised and specific to you. It's like having a consultant to help you whilst at the same time, you build your own capabilities so you become the expert.

You'll feel like a world class athelete with the best support team around you helping you be the best version of yourself and smashing all of your goals.

Still have questions?